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That’s How You Wish The Cookie Crumbled

| Right | April 5, 2015

(I am on checkout.)

Customer: *notices the shopping carts full of items other customers didn’t want* “What are all those?”

Me: “These are things other people decided they didn’t want.”

Customer: *looks confused* “That’s strange.”

Me: “Well, it’s better that they bring them up here for us to put away then leave them on a random place on the shelf.”

Customer: *looks confused and surprised* “Why would people do that? Why not just put it back where they found it.”

Me: “They’re lazy? Or they can’t find where it goes.”

Customer: *quietly looks confused*

Me: “Have you ever worked retail?”

Customer: “No, never.”

Me: “…Huh. Normally it’s only people who’ve worked retail that do that, because they know what it’s like.” *I finish bagging their stuff and give them their receipt* “Here you go. Have a good holiday.”

Customer: “Thank you. You, too.”

Me: *to myself* “We need something like cookies we can give out to good customers.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!