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Playing It Safe

, | Friendly | February 19, 2017

All of my friends and I are in AP/AICE programs. For my birthday, ten of us go do a big bank-heist-themed escape room — locked in a room that you have to solve puzzles to get out of.

We often find solutions and then find the clues five minutes after we have already solved them, but for some reason, it takes us fifteen minutes to get the safe open at the very end of the game.

We all refuse to call for a clue, but try everything we can for the safe. Along the TV screen-timer comes the message: “Send the boss lady forward.”

All my friends argue about this while I step up. We had mentioned it was my birthday so we safely assume they mean me. We are given the correct combo and yet still can not open the stupid safe.

We are turning the handle the wrong way.

When we finally got out, the lady running our room asked us what the big deal was. I shrugged and said, “We overcomplicated it.”

They said to us: “You guys moved so fast, it was unbelievable!”

My best friend explained that we pulled the honors thing where you move so fast on the hard part that when you get to the basic stuff, you get lost.

Not As Slick As The City Slickers

| Working | February 14, 2017

(It’s summer, and my husband and I are having a “stay-cation”. We’ve decided that it might be fun to go on a tour of our own city.)

Tour Guide: “Over there is a statue of [Important City Founder].” *proceeds to give us incorrect information about the guy*

Husband: “Um, excuse me? That’s not right.”

Tour Guide: “Oh?”

Husband: “No.” *gives correct information*

Tour Guide: “Thanks! Now, over there is [History Building].” *gives us incorrect information about the building*

Me: “Excuse me, that’s not right either.”

Tour Guide: “No offense, but how do you know that?”

Husband: “We’re from here. We’ve lived here most of our lives.”

Tour Guide: “Then why are you on this tour?”

Me: “…to learn new things about our city.”

Snaking Their Way Towards Extinction

| Working | February 9, 2017

(I go to China and have a conversation with the tour guide:)

Dad: “So what should we do if we see any venomous snakes around?”

Guide: “If you see a dangerous snake, for God’s sake try and trap it!”

Dad: “Wait, why?!”

Guide: “You don’t understand. They eat the snakes here. I’m pretty sure we’ve eaten them all. If there’s any venomous snakes left, they’ll be worth a fortune!”

Has No Clue What The Point Of A Puzzle Is

, | Friendly | February 4, 2017

(A few friends and I are trying a new escape room, a game where you are locked into a room full of locks and puzzles and you have an hour to solve them and get out. We’re given a phone to message the organisers in case we need clues. After a briefing, we all step through the door. Two seconds later:)

Friend: “Let’s ask for a clue!”

(Nope. We refused for the next 55 minutes, and got out in time.)

Monster Mother

| Related | February 1, 2017

(I am visiting my mom in Los Angeles. We are near the Hollywood Walk of Fame by the Chinese Theater, walking to get back to her apartment. Despite the area’s reputation as a major tourist attraction, it can be quite… seedy. While I am waiting for the light to change to cross the street, a clearly homeless and mentally ill man wearing no shirt runs across the street, sits behind me, and starts taking his pants off while mumbling to himself. I resolutely stare at the walk signal waiting for it to change so I can get away from him. After a bit I don’t hear him mumbling anymore.)

Me: *to Mom* “Is he still there?”

Mom: “No, I think he’s gone. I would have pushed him in front of a car before he could do anything to you anyway.”

Me: “In front of a car?”

Mom: “What? I’m clumsy; I could make it look like an accident!”