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Cinnabonkers For Cinnamon

| Right | February 9, 2012

(There is a flight leaving our airport over an hour later than expected. My department is trying to re-direct passengers to other connecting flights, or reschedule flights they may miss because of the delay. An Irish woman, around 50, approaches the counter.)

Me: “I apologize for the delay. How can I help you?”

Customer: “Hello, young man. I must say this delayed flight to Charlotte is unacceptable. I have a connector to Dublin I will need to be on ten minutes after this delayed flight lands. How do you expect me to make it in ten minutes?!”

Me: “I do apologize for the inconvenience. If you give me a couple of minutes, I can check and see how I can re-route you.” *begins searching* “Ma’am, I do have a direct flight from this airport to Dublin, leaving in about two hours. That will put you in Dublin a couple of hours ahead of schedule.”

Customer: “So I won’t go to Charlotte?”

Me: “No, you won’t. And due to the inconvenience, there will be no extra charge for moving you to the direct flight.”

Customer: “So I won’t go to Charlotte?”

Me: “No, ma’am.”

Customer: “Why not?”

Me: “Ma’am, if I send you on this flight to Charlotte, you won’t have time to make the connector to Dublin. However, if I put you on the flight I’m talking about—”

Customer: “The one that won’t have me going to Charlotte?”

Me: “Yes, that one. If I put you on—”

Customer: “But I want to go to Charlotte.”

Me: “Let me check and see when the next flight from Charlotte to Dublin is.” *searching* “I have a flight leaving for Dublin tomorrow morning at 6:47 AM. That will put you in Dublin at around 7:00 PM at their local time, almost 24 hours later than if you just—”

Customer: “I’ll take it!”

Me: “May I ask why you would rather stay the night here in Boston than take this direct flight I’m offering you?”

Customer: “The Charlotte airport has a Cinnabon.”

Tainted Love

| Related | January 16, 2012

(I am in an airport bathroom, and I overhear a conversation in some adjoining cubicles.)

Daughter: “Mummy, how much do you love me?”

Mother: “Oh, more than anything, sweetheart.”

Daughter: “More than anything in the world?”

Mother: “Yes, definitely.”

Daughter: “Mummy, how long have you loved me?”

Mother: “Forever. Since before you were even born.”

(Lengthy pause.)

Daughter: “Mummy, I pooed on the seat.”

Sharing The Caring: A National Service

| Romantic | December 28, 2011

(I am at the airport arrival gate. My husband was coming home from serving 9 months in Iraq as a Marine. I am holding a sign saying, ‘Welcome home love!’ There is a teenager at the arrival gate next to mine, with a sign that says ‘Stacy, I think you are really cool. Will you go to prom with me?’. My husband’s flight gets in earlier than the kid’s flight. I greet and kiss my husband, and he notices the teenager and walks over to him.)

Husband: “Way to go, brother. This is the way to a person’s heart. Being there for them and showing you care. Good luck.”

Teenager: “Thank you, sir. I’m really nervous she will say no. Also, thank you for your service.”

(They shake hands and we leave. About 3 years after that, my husband and I are reading the Sunday newspaper. We see a wedding announcement, and a picture of that teenager. He is in marine dress blues, next to his new wife, Stacy.)

Out Of State, Out Of Mind, Part 2

, , | Related | December 26, 2011

(My brother has just came back from vacation in Virginia. Our sister-in-law, who is 20, sees him pull out cash to pay for the airport parking.)

Sister-in-law: “You switched your Virginia money back to Florida money already?”


Ring Pop The Question

| Romantic | December 8, 2011

(I’ve been out of town for the last six days on a trip. I’m walking up the concourse to where my boyfriend is waiting for me. I hug him, then he drops to one knee.)

Him: “You know, we’ve only been together for five months. I know this is short notice, but the last six days have been hell and have really reaffirmed that I can’t live without you in my life. I want to spend my life with you and…”

(He pauses for breath and pulls out a Ring Pop.)

Him: “…I really want to be with you and I know I can’t afford much, but will you marry me?”

(At this point, other people are watching. Neither of us really cares as I attack-hug him with kisses.)

Me: “Yes!”

(I still have the ring from the Ring Pop, and we’re still together. The date is picked and rapidly approaching!)