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Not Quite Feline His Cooking

| Related | December 23, 2015

(My dad sometimes eats some type of canned fish in tomato sauce for breakfast, and the rest of the family jokingly calls it “cat food.” One day as I go to feed our cat, I notice that the “real” cat food in fact is meat with tomato sauce, so I decide to tease my dad about him eating cat food.)

Me: *texting him* “Hey, you know how you eat that red fish that we call cat food, and then you’re like ‘it’s not cat food’? Well, there literally is cat food prepared in the same way, so HA!”

Dad: *texting back* “The difference is that there isn’t a picture of a cat on the packaging, so therefore it isn’t cat food!”

Me: “So if I take cat food and put it in a container without a cat-picture on it, it’s no longer cat food?”

Dad: “Perhaps. So you better watch out what you eat from now on.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!