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Not How You Expect This To iPad Out

, , | Right | October 11, 2023

An older woman comes into the store. 

Old Lady: “My daughter told me I need to get an iPad.”

Me: “I can help you with that. Do you know what kind you’d like?”

Old Lady: “An iPad.”

Me: “Okay, well this is our range here.”

Old Lady: “Which of these is an iPad?”

Me: “They all are, ma’am. If you could tell me what you’d like to use it for, I might be able to suggest the best one for you.”

Old Lady: “Let me call my daughter and I’ll check.”

I leave her to it and then she comes up to the counter with the empty iPad box. I process the purchase and get a sealed new box from the back for her.

Me: *Handing it to her.* “You’re all set! Enjoy your new iPad!”

Old Lady: “Oh, thank you!”

She continues to stand there, expectantly.

Me: “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

Old Lady: “What does it do?”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!