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All of our stories, starting with the newest!

A Proposal Disposal

| Romantic | February 26, 2014

(My fiancé and I are sitting at home on the couch talking about Valentine’s Day with my roommate.)

Roomie: “Did you know that there are, like, tons of proposals on Valentine’s Day?”

Me: “See, that’s why I proposed on our anniversary.”

Roomie: “When is that?”

Me: “Sometime in October… I think.”

(My fiancé looks over and I shrug.)

Me: “People at work say I’m the man of the relationship. I think it’s just that I have a dominant personality.”

Fiancé: “And that’s why I love you.”

(I shove a whole rice-krispie treat into my mouth and snarl/choke on it.)

Fiancé: “And that’s the other reason I love you.”

No Match For Man’s Best Friend

| Romantic | February 26, 2014

(My husband and I are walking through the store, and they have big boxes of stuffed animals for Valentine’s Day.)

Me: “Look! How cute!”

(I pick one up and show him, hoping he will get the hint.)

Husband: “Do you think we should get one for the dog?”

This story is part of the Valentine’s Day 2024 roundup!

Read the next story!

Read the roundup!

An Uncontrollable Force

| Romantic | February 26, 2014

(It’s a busy Saturday night at our university’s convenience store, especially the counter that sells personal pizzas. I’ve been standing in line waiting to pick up dinner for several minutes, glancing around the busy store while I wait. Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice: the boy in my math class on whom I have an enormous crush, but have been too shy to ask out.)

Crush: “Hey, [My Name]!”

Me: “Oh! H-hi there, [Crush]. How are you?”

Crush: *excitedly* “We’re talking about FORCE POWERS!” *gestures to his friend* “Which do you like better, Force-pushing or Force-lightning?”

Me: “Cool! U-um… Well, I’m usually a good guy, so I like good guy powers, usually, but the Jedi aren’t always right, and Force lightning is always really cool, uh, if that makes sense, though I don’t know if it does? I mean, I usually like powers, but I always saw myself as just being good with a lightsaber; not that I don’t like Force powers! But, uh—”

Employee: “Miss?”

(I realize that the line has completely moved on ahead of me, and I’m next in line. I scoot up to the counter.)

Me: *to [Crush]* “See you later!” *I watch him go back to talking with his friend*

Employee: “What can I get for you, hon?”

Me: *dreamily* “Can I get a peppermint pizza, please?”

Employee: “A… what, now?”

Me: “A peppermint pizza.”

(I suddenly realize what I just said.)

Me: “Peppermint… Oh, my god. A PEPPERONI pizza, please.”

Employee: “It’s all right, hon. I think you’ve got it way, way worse than you realize.”

This Could Swing Any Way

| Romantic | February 26, 2014

(My parents are so secure in their marriage that they have this running joke that they each have a boyfriend/girlfriend on the side. It’s funny for those in the know, but not so funny to those that aren’t. My parents are chatting over Skype while my father is deployed to Iraq with the military.)

Dad: “Hey, honey, my secretary said she got a call earlier from either my wife or my girlfriend?”

Mom: “Well, tell her it must have been your girlfriend because it wasn’t me.”

Dad: *to his secretary* “My wife said it was my girlfriend that called.”

(His poor secretary looked thoroughly horrified.)

Suddenly A Massage Is Not So Relaxing

| Related | February 26, 2014

(My mother got herself a massage machine. One day my brother and his family visit.)

Niece: “Granny, here is your vibrator!”