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Mad As A Hater

| Right | December 3, 2013

(I’m working at a big box store as a cashier. There are two cashiers up front. I’m at register #2 and a coworker is at #4, so there is a register in between us. A customer walks up to register #3. My supervisor tells the lady she can either go to register #2 or register #4.)

Customer: “I hate Obama! I just want you all to know that.”

(The customer huffs and goes to my register.)

Me: “Hi there! Do you have a rewards card?”

Customer: “I don’t trust credit cards. I pay only in cash.”

Me: “Well, it’s not a credit ca—”

Customer: “I don’t trust companies! Don’t you worry about me. I will just pay cash.”

Me: “Alright…”

(I proceed to ring up her items.)

Customer: “You know you can only get boy tank tops?! I don’t wear bras! I never have, only when I was breastfeeding.”

Me: “Yeah. Unfortunately for women you have to buy separate tank tops.”

Customer: “I’ve never liked girls. I only had boys.”

Me: “Ah, okay. Today your total is [total].”

Customer: “And you know what? I hate Martha Stewart. She is a royal b****!”

(All I can do is laugh awkwardly and give the customer her change and receipt.)

Me: “Well, have a nice day.”

Customer: “And those Kardashian girls. They are so FAKE!”

(The customer crumples up her receipt and throws it at me. She storms away. The other cashier and my supervisor just stare at me. We are all stunned.)

Me: “Did that really just happen?”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!