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Love Is A Slippery Subject

| Romantic | March 16, 2012

(We are waiting in the car for a friend.)

Me: “We can follow them if you want.”

Boyfriend: “No. I like sitting with you.”

Me: “Me too.”

Boyfriend: “You like sitting with you too?”

Me: “I was just thinking about how my sentence was off, but then I thought you would just let it slide.”

Boyfriend: “I never let anything slide. I sit at the top of the slide and put me on it so no one can climb up and I’m the only one that gets to slide!”

Me: “What if I wanted to slide?”

Boyfriend: “You could go over to the next slide. Its guard looks wimpy, and you could beat him up.”

Me: “Fine. I could beat you up too, but I would never do that to you, even for a slide.”

Boyfriend: “Even a slide that’s really slippery?”

Me: “Even a really slippery slide.”

Boyfriend: “I love you too.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!