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Knows The Least Amount

, | Learning | February 26, 2016

(I’m a work study and my job includes assisting students with making sure they have their student account set up. We were working on their account password when I give the same explanation as everyone else.)

Me: “The requirements for your password has to be at least eight characters long, have uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and a special character. You can NOT have any part of your name in the password either.”

Student: “All right.”

(As the student gets to work on his password and hits enter the password gets kicked back, now when I look over all it shows it blank saying that the password did not meet the requirements. I ask the student about what they put down and he tells me. The password he chose was seven characters long, when the requirements are at LEAST eight characters.)

Me: “Your password has to be at least eight characters long, so why don’t you add another character?”

Student: “But then it’ll be eight characters!”

Me: “Yes, that’s all right. It just has to be at least.”

Student: “But I don’t want it to go over seven.”

(At this point I realize that he’s having issues with the word LEAST. I eventually had to explain to him what least meant.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!