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How Small Is This Woman’s World?!

, , , | Working | November 20, 2023

[Colleague #1] broke his leg in a skiing mishap. He showed up to work on crutches with his leg in a cast. [Colleague #2], a woman in her fifties, exclaimed:

Colleague #2:  “Oh, my God! How terrible! It’s just awful that you will need to get around on crutches for the rest of your life.”

Colleague #1: “No, just a few weeks until the bone mends. Then, the cast comes off.”

I couldn’t fathom how someone could make it through fifty years of life without knowing this. She thought bones were like porcelain or something, and once broken, they don’t grow back together again.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!