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False Colors

| Right | July 13, 2016

(We sell a lot of flip flops and they’re on stands helpfully organised by style and size. Most people sort themselves out but some require a little help.)

Customer: *points at shoes* “You have this in 41?”

Me: “Yes, it should be there.”

(I get up to check when she doesn’t move to take them, thinking they may have run out. However, they’re where they should be, so I hand it to her and she tries them on. They’re slightly small.)

Customer: “Give me another.”

Me: “I’m afraid we don’t have that one in a larger size.”

Customer: “No, not larger, another!” *she points towards identical ones in different colours*

Me: “Those are the same brand; they’ll fit the same…”

Customer: “Yes! Yes! Same brand!”

(I give up and give her a different colour that fits her identically.)

Customer: “Yes, perfect. I’ll take them.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!