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| Learning | November 18, 2016

(We are being visited by a nurse who explains how epi-pens work in case one of the students suddenly reacts from a serious allergy. The students have had some false ones to practice using it on themselves and each other. The following happens as the nurse is answering another student’s question. The students are about 14 years old.)

Nurse: *answers a question and nods to a student that she has seen his hand and will answer him when she is done with the first question*

Student: *has a whispered conversation with a teacher*

Nurse: “Now, you there. What was your question?”

Student: “Oh, that’s okay. [Teacher] told me the answer.”

Nurse: “And what did you find out?”

Student: *holds up thumb and index finger to show a small length* “It’s this big.”

Teacher: “Actually, it’s about THIS big.” *holds up fingers to show a smaller length*

(This sparks a bigger laughter while the student is apparently was oblivious to the accidental innuendo.)

Nurse: *grinning* “Good, but could you repeat the question in case anyone else is wondering the same?”

Student: “Oh, uhm…” *confused due to all the laughter*

Teacher: “He was wondering how long the needle in the epi-pen was.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!