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Dean-unciation Dean-ied

, | Learning | April 1, 2013

(I’m an IT student worker at a university. My boss often slips in and out to troubleshoot and do other work on campus and leaves me to handle the office while he’s gone. The dean of the college walks in while my he’s out.)

Dean: “Where’s [boss’ name]?”

Me: “He’s out of the office at the moment.”

Dean: “I can see that. I mean, where is he?”

Me: “I’m not sure; he didn’t say when he left, but he will be back in about a half an hour.”

Dean: “What do you mean you don’t know? Didn’t you ask him?”

Me: “No, I didn’t. I assumed he had a good reason to leave.”

Dean: “I can’t believe he’d hire someone like you. You didn’t even ask where he went. How can he expect you to handle any problems that pop up?”

Me: “Ma’am, I understand your frustration, but [boss] will be back in a few minutes and you can ask him what you need. If you have a technology issue, I’d be happy to help; otherwise you can try his cell phone or shoot him an email.”

Dean: “Next time, be sure to ask him where he’s going. Don’t be so stupid.”

Me: “Actually, ma’am, last week I received a letter signed by you saying I made the Dean’s List and the Chancellor’s List for academic honors.”

Dean: *slightly embarassed* “Oh… 4.0, huh?”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!