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Clients From… Heaven?

, , , , | Right | November 12, 2023

I work for a design firm, and we scored a huge worldwide hotel chain as a client. This company is run by Mormons, and say what you want about Mormons, but my clients were the nicest people.

Client: “We loved the last set of designs you made. Thank you so much!”

Me: “You’re welcome! It’s great to have clients who know what they want!”

Client: “By the way, to show our thanks, we’d love to offer you an employee discount if you ever stay in any of our hotels. Just let us know. As long as you’re doing work for us, you get that discount!”

Me: “Oh, wow, that’s very generous of you.”

Client: “Tell the whole team!”

This client would always encourage us to use the employee discount. He even signed a letter that I could use it for six more months after I left the agency and they were no longer my client. He got wind that I was going on vacation with my then fiancé (now wife) to Rome and had my rooms upgraded, and I even got a car service for the whole trip! 

Never even had a client close to treating me so well!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!