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Abuse It And Lose It

, , , | Right | June 27, 2024

When I worked at an airport, we had a regular who was deputy secretary in the regional government. Just because of that, we were forced to give him the full VIP treatment: free luggage, an escort through VIP security to the hidden VIP lounge and then into the plane by a supervisor (or a manager if one was available), an automatic upgrade to business class, etc. Basically, we had to treat him like a god — which he knew and abused.

Until the regional president declared that such privileges were only for active secretaries and above, plus former presidents.

I had huge satisfaction in telling this d****ebag that he was no longer a VIP and had to wait with the rest of the “filthy peasants” as he called everybody else.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!