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Unfiltered Story #92008

, | Unfiltered | August 21, 2017

(I work as an Email Support Rep for an Online Shopping Website. This conversation is via email and my responses are in a letter form but to make it short, I have laid it out like a regular conversation transcript. This particular customer placed an order for $10, used a coupon and paid $5.)

Customer: “My invoice is telling me that this item is $10! My budget for this is only $5!”

(I proceeded to explain to her that the value of the item is $10 but she used a coupon so she got it for $5.)

Customer: “That can’t be! I can’t spend $10 on this thing!”

(I proceeded to explain that she only spent $5 for the item.)

Customer: “This thing is too expensive for me!”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!