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Unfiltered Story #57095

Unfiltered | February 27, 2017

(This happened back in 2000. I am putting our musicals in a section close to the counter when I overhear two of my colleagues talking.)

Co-worker #1: [My Name] is putting the musicals out today. Do you like any of the ones she’s set out? I liked Sound of Music.

Co-worker #2: Yeah, I saw it a couple years back at my grandma’s house.

Co-worker #1: You ever seen The King and I?

Co-worker #2: No.

Co-worker #1: It’s a complete rip-off of Sound of Music. Ever seen Mary Poppins?

Co-worker #2: Yeah! I loved that movie when I was a kid!

Co-worker #1: Yeah, Julie Andrews is a great singer. She’s Maria in Sound of Music as well, you know.

Co-worker #2: Seriously?

Co-worker #1: Yeah! I think they asked her to be in it when they saw how good she was in Mary Poppins.

Co-worker #2: Sound of Music just made me tear up when I saw it as a kid. That ending just blows me away when I think about what they had to go through.

Co-worker #1: They didn’t actually go over the mountains. They took a train to Italy. Funny how movies change a lot of stuff from reality.

(I was cringing the entire time.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!