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Unfiltered Story #330780

, , | Unfiltered | May 27, 2024

My uncle lives in Fort Wayne. We’re going to see a sporting event together.

My uncle is very cheap. While we’re driving to the event, he warns me that he claimed I was under 12 to get a discounted ticket, and asks me to go along with it. (At the time I was 14)

In all honesty, the person checking tickets at the gate didn’t even ask how old I was.

After we got into the stadium, my uncle unzips his jacket to reveal a cooler filled with beer, chicken wings, short-ribs, and other snacks.

I’m reluctant to eat any of the food he bought, however, because it’s cold and I have autistic food sensitivities.

So he pulls out his very nice lighter, and starts reheating the food over the flame of his lighter. He feeds me one bite at a time, heating up a small section of the food, letting me take a bite, then heating up the next section.

It’s one of the memories I still have of him to this day. He passed from kidney cancer a few years back.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!