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Unfiltered Story #296171

, | Unfiltered | July 14, 2023

(There is a twenty-year age gap between myself and my husband and for some reason, his sister-in-law #1 has never liked me. She blames me for ending his marriage to his previous wife, despite the fact that I didn’t know him when the divorce took place. To make things stranger, the ex-wife and I are on good terms, talking when there are family issues and always attempting to keep everyone together and peaceful. At this time, his brother has died and we flew across the country for the service.)

I am sitting with my husband, his children, his ex-wife, our own children, and his older sister and her family in the front when the pastor begins talking about the extended family.

Pastor: We must now think of (sister-in-law #1) and her children and grandchildren, but let’s not forget to think of (sister-in-law #2) and her husband (brother-in-law #2), as well as (my husband) and (ex-wife).

There is a ripple of shocked looks around us, as they have not been married for nearly a decade and I am rather obviously pregnant with our third child at the time. No one says anything until after the service at the dinner when the widow, sister-in-law #1, approaches where we are seated.

Sister-in-law #1: (Husband), I am so glad you and (ex-wife) came! I know (deceased brother) would be so glad to see you together! Tell me, how was the drive in?

Husband: Well, since I flew in with my wife, (my name), you may want to ask (ex-wife) how she and the kids and grandkids felt.

Sister-in-law #1: (While still ignoring me and what he said!) I hope you two will stay the night with me tonight. You can leave the kids (pointed look at me) at the hotel and you guys can sleep in the guest room.

Husband: As I said, my wife, (my name) and I flew in and we will need our rest. ESPECIALLY (my name), since she is pregnant with our THIRD child.

Sister-in-law #1: I’m not acknowledging your little “mistakes” with your floozy. For all I care, this one can do what the other two should have and die.

There’s a beat of silence before sister-in-law #2 and the ex-wife both pipe try to defend me.

Sister-in-law #2: That was a really stupid thing to say! Are you out of your mind?!

Ex-wife: She really must be, because everyone knows our marriage sucked a**! Why don’t you go back over to your table and eat something before you say anything else to push you out of the family.

Not too long after we returned home she began to barrage my husband with links for divorce attorneys and how to handle divorce in our state. This continued until my frail, elderly, mother-in-law, who suffers from dementia had a go at her a few months later.

Mother-in-law: Sister-in-law #1, why are you always an ass to people? No wonder (deceased brother) had a kid with that other woman! I thought I remembered what a b**** you were!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!