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Unfiltered Story #296076

, | Unfiltered | July 10, 2023

I lost my job a few months ago and so far haven’t gotten any good leads on a new job, so I don’t have much money to spare, which means I have to cut back on things like going out to eat or ordering food. Tonight, I’m feeling fussy and don’t particularly want any of the food I have in the house, but I don’t have any cash to spare, and I don’t want to bother friends just to ask for money/food. So I post on Facebook for ALL my friends to see.

Me: “Somebody order me a pizza.”
Me: *55 minutes later* “It’s been nearly an hour and nobody has ordered pizza for me. I’m disappointed in all of you.”

I make myself something out of the pantry, futz around on the internet for a couple of hours, and go to bed. I get up the next morning to find some comments on my post.

Friend: “You didn’t say please.”
Husband: “You no say please-a, you no get pizza.”
Mom: “[Friend], her mama didn’t bring her up that way!”
Me: “Mom I’ve gotten people to BRING me food without saying please.”
Mom: “Didn’t bring you up that way, either!”
Me: *smiley face emoticon*

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!