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Unfiltered Story #293132

, , | Unfiltered | June 10, 2023

(I attend weekly conference calls with my store manager, district manager, and several other store managers in the district. For this call, my store manager is unable to attend due to a doctor’s appointment, and I am off work for the evening, so she pays me to take the call at home.

We have recently started using a lot of [brand] software that allows file sharing and editing among multiple people at the same time. I find it a lot easier than the previous ways we’ve done file sharing, and have no issues navigating and editing the documents. During this call, the district manager has emailed some links to shared documents and asks each manager to click on the links so he can teach them how to use the documents. He can see from his screen who currently has the document loaded and is doing what he asks. Worried that I might be in trouble for not being able to do the same, I speak up.)

Me: “Hey [District Manager], I am taking this call from home, so I’m not going to show up on your screen. I’m sorry.”

District Manager: “You know, [Name], you’re the one person that I’m not worried about working with this type of stuff, so you’re fine. You can just sit back and listen in for this part.”

(Not only was that a really proud moment for me, being recognized by my boss’s boss, but I also was asked by him for more tips and tricks, despite not being able to see any of the documents they were looking at.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!