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Unfiltered Story #293128

, | Unfiltered | June 10, 2023

I work for a small startup company where one of our investors lets us rent out office space in one of his buildings at a steep discount. As a result, we have a tiny 4-room office down stairs and some office spcaes upstairs for the executives. No one upstairs, including our bosses, wear a mask during the global pandemic.

Someone has finally gotten sick upstairs and the VP apparently asks about protocal. I am also hearing this story second-hand.

VP: So what is protocal for someone getting sick?

Office Admin: I don’t know. I am kind of scared. He was at my desk working on my computer yesterday without a mask.

VP: Well you don’t wear a mask either half the time! I saw you in [Investor]’s office yesterday without one!

She was so proud she challenged the admin assisstant on her lack of mask-wearin I had to bite my tongue about reminding her yesterday to pull up her mask to talk to me. I am now getting tested regularly!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!