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Unfiltered Story #291014

, | Unfiltered | May 9, 2023

(I’m a manager at a fast food restaurant. I get a lot of people, usually around 6am calling to see if we are open. Note: when people look up our store to call the number, it will say right beneath or beside the phone number if we are open or closed, and the hours listed on the internet have been pretty accurate in my area During a busy lunch rush, the phone rings. When I pick it up, I get this gem)
Me: “(Fast food restaurant), manager speaking”
Caller: “Hi, I was wondering if you were open.”
(I don’t have time for this bs, and the line is all the way around the building)
Me: “What do you think?” *hangs up*

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!