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Unfiltered Story #288404

, | Unfiltered | April 8, 2023

I’m trying to get my internet turned back on, and it’s been an aggravating process to say the least. The company I get WiFi from has been giving me the run around, claiming that there were two months I never paid for even though I did, and trying to charge me for those months. We have it set to take money out on the third of every month because the system likes to take out money 2 days before the set date, and I get my check on the first of the month. However, for some reason it still tried to take money out on the thirtieth. This means it tried taking out money three days in advance instead of two. It’s important to mention that you have to have a credit score to have access to your own account with this company, and since I don’t have one my mother is my account holder. She saw on the website that even though they tried taking money on the thirtieth, they were still going to try taking out money on the second even though automatic payments are only supposed to be attempted once. She called the billing department, and the guy she got on the phone was very condescending to her.
Mom: “I saw that you guys tried to take out money on the thirtieth, but I have it set to come out on the third since it’s supposed to charge you 2 days in advance and my son gets his check on the first. It says here though that it’s going to try to take money out tomorrow. I just want to make sure that if I pay the bill manually, it’s not going to try and take more money out tomorrow.”
Bill Tech: “If you don’t know how to go online to pay your bill, you need to call customer service.”
Mom: “It’s not that I don’t know how to go online and pay the bill; I just want to make sure that if I do it won’t try to charge me again tomorrow.”
Bill Tech: “If you don’t know how to go online and pay, you need to call customer service.”
The rest of the call consisted of Mom trying to explain to the man that she knows how to pay bills online, only for him to continue making her look incompetent. You know tech guys, sometimes the customer knows what they’re doing. Your system isn’t flawless.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!