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Unfiltered Story #287829

, | Unfiltered | March 30, 2023

I’m enjoying a night out with my fiance. He hasn’t been good to me lately-ignoring my texts, telling me about friends who are badmouthing me, and flirting with other girls. We are meeting at a restaurant, and I suspect he’s going to break up with me. I’m prepared, but still nervous. I order a glass of red wine, and the waiter looks at me, and this is what he says:

Waiter: Are you sure you should be drinking wine in your condition? When are you due?

I burst into tears and shout “I’m not pregnant!”

The waiter turns bright red and scurries away, and my boyfriend offers to talk to the manager. And then he pulls out a box, and gets on one knee.

Boyfriend: Will you marry me?

Me: After the way you’ve been treating me lately? No, I won’t marry you!

I leave him at the restaurant, and change my Facebook status to “single”.

My best friend calls me and asks what happened. I tell her the whole story, and she calls and complains to the restaurant manager. The waiter is warned, and my now ex-boyfriend apologizes for his recent behavior.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!