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Unfiltered Story #287797

, , | Unfiltered | March 28, 2023

I used to work at a casino as a cocktail server and a few months back, after we reopened to the public, they changed the rules on everything. The self serve machines were and still are down for hygiene reasons so customers have to find one of us or go to the bar for soft drinks or coffee. Now the first couple weeks were hell since customers are not allowed to touch the servers carts at all or else we had to go to the back dump everything, throw away all the cups and creams etc, run everything through the dishwasher (IF the restaurant wasn’t using it, otherwise it is all by hand and takes an hour to do it all) wipe down the cart with sanitizer, and so on. Even with the signs on the carts people were still helping themselves complaining that they could never find a server. It got to the point where I was shoving the sign in people’s faces especially when they were saying they didn’t see it right after moving it to get ice. After they got used to the situation and the super small skeleton crew, they would start grouping around the carts waiting for one of us to come back from grabbing something from the bar. Usually in these situations no one ever tips or just tries to toss change on the cart (I have to stop them). One such group was surrounding me, mostly younger people, 20’s and 30’s. During the process there was a little old lady standing back watching this. When she finally came up to me she was the last person. “Coffee please!” “Would you like any cream or sugar?” “No thank you, but I have this for you!” She hands me a 5 and says in her loudest passive aggressive voice “here you are dear! You work so hard for your tips it’s a real shame people don’t tip you more!” I didn’t see her the rest of the night but I made a good amount of tips considering how slow it was that night. But there was only 2 of us on the whole floor. I didn’t see that group after that either.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!