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Unfiltered Story #281783

, , | Unfiltered | January 25, 2023

This happened when I was eleven years old, in the sixth grade. I’m also female.

There was a girl at school, who wasn’t exactly the nicest. For name privacy, let’s just call her “Jessie”.

On this particular day, we had a substitute teacher, but that didn’t stop Jessie from being rude to me, calling me names, and even going as far as throwing stones at me, at recess!

During gym class, we were playing a game, called “soccer baseball”. We were waiting in line for our turn to go out to the field, to play. I can’t remember how this happened, but somehow, she brought up how there were worms on the ground. Thinking worms were cool, I picked one up to look at it. This brought on her saying I was a worm eater. What the heck, right? She wouldn’t let it go for the rest of gym class.

Finally, at the end of the day, the substitute teacher was treating all the best behaved that day to some candy. Guess what that candy was? Yep, gummy worms. She handed them out to the best behaved students, which included myself. I felt overjoyed, because, at the time, and even now, the teacher knew I was trying to be on my best behavior, despite Jessie’s behavior. Of course, that led to Jessie not getting any gummy worms…

I looked at her and said, “See? I do eat worms. This kind!”

I then proceeded to eat one. The glare I received from her was worth it!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!