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Unfiltered Story #281121

, , | Unfiltered | January 17, 2023

I was on vacation in the US with my family a few years ago. We drove far to get to an expensive restaurant, Well known for great meat. Being from Europe we were unfamiliar with the laws of drinking, and as I was of legal drinking age at home we asked the waiter for a single glass of wine. Unable to present identification when he asked, we thanked him and went on with ordering our meal. Today I feel like this made them label us as problem costumers.
My younger brother and I ordered the same meal, with a medium rare steak.
When our meals came my brothers steak was perfect, in my taste, a little red for him, but he happily ate it. However, mine was dry and somewhere between medium and well done.
I asked for another one, but was told that this was what their medium rare looked like. My family looked at my brothers perfect steak and asked for another one.
However, what I received was bleu. For those who don’t know the term, this means that my steak was raw and cold in the middle. I like my steak rare, but this was too much even for me. My family didn’t like making a fuzz about it, and just left it as it was, but it was really both worth the drive nor the money for us.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!