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Unfiltered Story #279556

, | Unfiltered | December 29, 2022

My father throws a grand celebration for his 50th birthday inviting well over 100 people – family, friends, colleagues and a few selected business partners. I get tasked to organize a few things for the party, including a quiz on my father. A few days before the event, I test the quiz on some friends who got invited but can’t make it. At this point, I’ve already made sure I have all correct answers from my father himself. My mom, who is barred from participating, and [friend 1]‘s elderly mother are present as well. The questions seem to have a good difficulty level: There’s always at least one person who can answer them and one who can’t. Then…
Me: What are [father’s] favourite colours?
Friend 1: His… does he have any?
Friend 2: I think red, maybe? But the question suggests it’s multiple?
Friend 3: Yeah, right, but I have no idea. [Friend 4]?
Friend 4: Don’t ask me! [Mom]?
Mom: He doesn’t have any.
Me: Wrong.
Mom: What do you mean, wrong? We’re married for 27 years, surely I’d know if his favourite colours by now?!
[Friend 1]’s mom: It’s red and blue, isn’t it?
Me: Yes. Correct.
Mom: What?
Friend 1: Mom, how did you know that? You’ve seen him, what, five times maybe?!
[Friend 1]’s mom: Simple. Every time I’ve seen him, he’s worn either a red or a blue tie or shirt. On photos, too, see? (She gesticulates towards a picture of [Friend 2]’s birthday with my dad wearing a blue polo shirt with red details in it.
Everyone falls silent for a moment. Then, my mom throws her head back and starts laughing hysterically.
Me: Mom? Are you okay?!
Mom: Yes, yes! It’s just…
She tries to collect herself and wipes a few tears from her face.
Mom: I’m the one who buys him those shirts and ties! And I still had no idea at all!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!