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Unfiltered Story #274253

, , | Unfiltered | December 11, 2022

So- there was a manager that… Pretty much everyone hated. Like- I have yet to meet a person (aside from a few of other managers). This lady was crazy, always asking very personal questions, always naming random rules that literally don’t exist. (ex: tried to claim to me that they only allow natural hair color when… Many other staff have it, and literally every other manager said colored hair was allowed). Now, a few days ago a kid and his friend were playing with a ball inside the store. This ball went a lil crazy, and broke a picture frame and the glass inside.

The store tried to tell one of the kids moms to not worry, she didn’t gave to pay, etc. But this mom had a punishment in mind. She wanted to send her son up to the kroger with a sign about what he did. (Super harsh and borderline toxic punishment if you ask me). Now, if you’re manager, you’re in charge of everything that goes on around the store. Therefore you should put a stop to it. Not only did this manager allow it to happen, she ALSO heavily encouraged it.

So, she was fired. My friend and I actually watched her walk out before work.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!