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Unfiltered Story #272543

, | Unfiltered | November 22, 2022

(My blood doctor sent an email to the vascular doctor, referring me for treatment. She included my condition and insurance in the note. About a week later, I miss their call. They called just before the end of the work day, so I decide to call them back in the morning.)

Me: “Hello, my name is [Name]. I’m calling to schedule an appointment.”
Receptionist: “Okay. Hang on one moment.”
Me: *waits to the weirdest hold music I’ve ever heard*
Receptionist: “Hello?”
Me: “Hi. You take [insurance], right?”
Receptionist: “Yes. So what did you want?”
Me: “My blood doctor referred me to your vascular doctor.”
Receptionist: “Got it! Please hold.”
Me: *waits a little longer this time*
Receptionist: “What’s your name?”
Me: “[My name.]”
Receptionist: “Please hold.”
Me: *waits even longer*
Receptionist: “Found it! Let’s get you scheduled.”
Me: “Great! Tuesdays and Fridays are best.”
Receptionist: “Sorry, he only works on Mondays and Thursdays.”
Me: “Let’s try Monday, then. Mornings, please.”
Receptionist: “Early or late morning?”
Me: “Early.”
Receptionist: “I have…” *long pause* “Darn. Sorry, hon. I only have a 10 o’clock.”
Me: “That’s fine.”
Receptionist: “Okay, so I’ve put you in for [full date and time].”
(I was a little weirded out that she didn’t clarify the date first, but whatever. I can make it. She goes on to explain the new patient stuff, and we hang up. I’m so relieved to finally get this issue fixed!

3 hours later, she calls back.)

Me: “Hello?”
Receptionist: “Hi. Is [Name] there?”
Me: “Yes. That’s me.”
Receptionist: “I looked at your paperwork, and I’m sorry to tell you that [Doctor] does not treat your condition.”
Me: *crushed* “Oh…”
(I think this might be some kind of mistake- after all, they wouldn’t have called me if they couldn’t help, right? I ask for more details.)
Me: “Are you sure? Which condition does he not treat, specifically?”
Receptionist: “Here in the email, it says, [my condition].”
Me: “That’s accurate…”
Receptionist: “I’ll just go ahead and cancel that appointment, sweetie.”
Me: “Okay…”
Receptionist: “Have a nice day!”
Me: “You too…”

(Back to the drawing board…)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!