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Unfiltered Story #272539

, , | Unfiltered | November 22, 2022

My sister is three years old and I am five in this story. She’s having trouble keeping secrets.

Mom: Look what we got for Daddy’s birthday present!
Me: What is it?
Sister: What?! What?! What?! I wanna see!
Mom: *takes out gift from behind her back* Ta-da!
Me: Oooh! That’s so cool!
Sister: *gasps* What is it?
Mom: It’s an ant farm!
Sister: An ant farm? That. Is. Awesome!
Me: I can’t wait for Daddy’s birthday!
Sister: Me neither!
Mom: It’s a secret, okay? So don’t tell Daddy!
Me: I won’t, I promise!
Sister: I won’t tell ANYONE!

A few hours later, my dad comes home from work.

Sister: Daddy! Daddy! Guess what!
Dad: I don’t know. What?
Sister: I’m not going to tell you that we got you an ant farm for your birthday!
Me: [Sister!]
Sister: What? I didn’t tell him!
Dad: *laughing* Okay, thanks for not telling me!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!