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Unfiltered Story #270793

, , | Unfiltered | October 26, 2022

(My siblings and I are playing a D&D one-shot over Christmas at our parents’ house. Currently our party is fighting against a pack of five wolves.)

Sister: “There’s only three of us. It’s going to take a really long time to beat them all.”

Brother #1: “I have a really high intimidation stat. Can I try scaring them into submission?”

Brother #2 (the DM): “Roll for it.”

(Much dice-rattling later…)

Brother #2: “Congratulations, you successfully intimidated all five wolves. How do you want to do this?”

(My brother thinks about it for a moment, then leaps to his feet and bellows:)

Brother #1: “SIT!”

(My sister and I collapse in giggles as across the table, our parents’ enormous mastiff mix obediently slaps his butt on the floor.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!