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Unfiltered Story #270203

, | Unfiltered | October 16, 2022

Sister: “What’s that?”

Me: “Uh what?”

Sister: “That ringing! Is it your phone?”

Me: “No? My phones not ringing.”

Sister: “Then what is it! I can’t believe you can’t hear it. Seriously? Are you deaf?”

Me: “No, I really don’t hear anything.”

Sister: “It’s like…” *pauses* “Ohhh, it’s coming from MY head.”

Me: “Oh, like tinnitus? I get that sometimes.”

Sister: “Tin- what?”

Me: “Look it up. Sometimes when I sit and or lay a certain way, I hear a sound coming from my own head. You never got that? It’s more like a beep though. Like a long drawn out beeeeeeep.”

(She stares at me like I’m nuts and changes the subject. Later, we’re watching an action movie where the star gets into a crash. The sound cuts off into silence, and then a steady beep sound plays.)

Sister: “That’s it! That’s the sound!”

Me: “Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a phone ringing at all. Unless you have one of those weird ringtones.”

(She didn’t.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!