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Unfiltered Story #270193

, , | Unfiltered | October 16, 2022

My girlfriend recently got a haircut, but was upset because it was shorter than she liked. A week or so later, I also got a haircut; when I go over to her place, I joke that my hair is now shorter than hers.

A bit later, we’re feeling amorous, and head to the bedroom for some sexytimes. In the middle of everything, my girlfriend suddenly exclaims, “Wow, that’s REALLY short!”

I stopped and looked at her. I realized she had been stroking my head, just as she shouted, “YOUR HAIR! I meant your hair was really short!”

She was very relieved when I just started laughing.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!