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Unfiltered Story #269518

, | Unfiltered | October 11, 2022

PATIENT: ‘I’m looking for my old reports. Like years ago.’

ME: ‘Sure. I can help you

(I get patient details, confirmed name and date of birth twice. Two options come up. Only one shares the same first name, but different last name.)

ME: ‘Hmm. Did you used to go by a different name? Maiden name? Married name?’

PATIENT: ‘No. No.’

ME: ‘Are you sure it was with *medical clinic*?’

PATIENT: ‘I’m pretty sure. I spoke to the doctor…’

(Patient starts talking about a discussion she had with a doctor that won’t help me. So I tune out.)

ME: ‘Sorry. I only have a *first patient name* and *second patient name that shares the same first name*’

(I regret this immediately. I think saying these patient names is a breech of privacy.)

PATIENT: ‘*last name and same first name* was my last name years and years ago.’

ME: ‘Ah lovely. That’s why I asked you about your name earlier.’ said through gritted teeth and anxious laughter.

(Listen please. Answer truthfully. Every question asked helps with the process. Everything I say and do at work is to help you.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!