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Unfiltered Story #266223

, | Unfiltered | August 26, 2022

My child was born intersex, with ovaries, a uterus, a penis, and testicles. This happened as my wife and I were being informed of his condition.

Doctor: I think you should remove the penis and the testicles, to give her a fair chance in life.

Wife: THat’s not really fair. No, I do not agree to that surgery.

Me: Neither do I.

Doctor: For the sake of your child, you must have the surgery done!

Us: No.

Doctor: Some parents you are! THis child will grow up in the sex slave industry if you don’t take care of her now!

Me: I thought we made ourselves perfectly clear. You are not to touch or do surgery on our baby. We will let him decide what he wants when he’s old enough.

Doctor: You should have had an abortion!

He was so loud that the mother in the next room, who had a baby with Down Syndrome, heard him. Her husband went to fetch another doctor, who took our doctor into the hall for a talk. He was not allowed to go near us or our baby. Six months later, we don’t regret our decision, and he’s so damn cute that no one can help but love him!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!