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Unfiltered Story #264712

, , | Unfiltered | August 5, 2022

(My birthday is a few days before Valentine’s Day, so, instead of going all out for both days, my boyfriend and I have opted to do a “traditional date” of dinner and a movie on Valentine’s Day, switching each year who picks what. It’s the year Deadpool came out, on Valentine’s day and it’s his year to pick the movie. Guess what his choice is? A few days before Valentine’s Day I send him a text)
Me: OMG! There’s a new romance movie coming out and I want to see it!
BF: ….When?
Me: On Valentine’s Day! Come on! It looks really good!
BF: It’s my year to pick the movie…
Me: I know, and I’m willing to swap the next 2 years for you. Come on! The tag line is even “True love Never Dies. Please?
Me: Here, let me send you the picture for it…

https://i44 dot photobucket dot com/albums/f29/HarleySong/deadpool-romance-750x400_zpsz2qshthp dot jpg

BF: ……The next 2 years are still mine, right?

(Yes, I sent the “poster” Ryan Reynolds shared on Twitter to help guys convince their girlfriends to see the movie.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!