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Unfiltered Story #263251

, , | Unfiltered | July 20, 2022

(I used to work in a small shop in a Scottish town. Generally I was the person stuck on the till all shift while everyone else was allowed a break from tills. On this day, the manager put a cage of stock next to the till and asked me to work it. It was a busy day and every time I stepped away from the till to work stock another customer appeared that needed serving. After an hour I had only scratched the surface of the stock. The manager came out of his office, looked at the cage then strode over to me:)

Manager: Why haven’t you done more stock?

Me: It’s been busy. I am trying, but I’ve had to serve customers on the till.

Manager: I know it has been busy, but you should be able to put the stock out and serve at the same time! You need to be better at your job!

(Yes – he expected me to somehow do both at the same time. There were a lot of instances in that job where I was singled out and blamed for things that could have been anyone’s fault, or told to be faster when I wasn’t even slow. I eventually quit. It was playing hell on my depression! I found out after I quit that a former colleague also quit – she had taken a holiday for her birthday, and the morning after her party she missed a call from the manager asking her to work. He berated her for not answering, even though she was still on holiday. She left very soon after that. Now I work in a job where, if things aren’t restocked because it is too busy, the managers fully understand. I am loads happier!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!