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Unfiltered Story #262699

, , | Unfiltered | July 11, 2022

A few years ago, I had a class at an art school nearby. As it was not too far from my house, I decided to bike there. This town is not very bike-friendly. The streets are narrow enough that you have to ride on the sidewalk. One day I was stopped by an old woman:
Woman: Oi! You there, stop!
Me: Yes?
Woman: You’re not supposed to ride your bike on the sidewalk!
Me: Ma’am, the street is too narrow to ride safely-
Woman: What don’t you understand? The sidewalk is for people! Not kids on bikes!
Me: You’re legally allowed to bike on the-
Woman: You stupid kids are so rude! You should learn some respect!
(She stomped off, muttering about “idiot children”.)
I understand “respect your elders”, but I don’t think I was the rude one there.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!