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Unfiltered Story #256693

, , | Unfiltered | April 10, 2022

Me: Thank you for calling (company). This is (me). How can I help you?

Caller: Yeah, I’m trying to place an order on your website, and I put a couple of things in my shopping cart yesterday, and when I signed on today, the price for (product) changed. Yesterday it was (price) and today it’s (higher price). The item number is (item#).

Me: I’m so sorry, let me take a look at that item and see what I can find out. (I look up item number.) Okay, I was able to find the information on (product). I apologize, that item was on sale and the sale price expired yesterday. (Higher price) is the correct price now because the sale is over.

Caller: I know that, but I put it in my shopping cart yesterday, and the price changed overnight.

Me: I apologize, if the order is not submitted by the end of the last day of the sale, it won’t qualify for the sale price any longer.

Caller: I know that, but it was (price) when I put it in my shopping cart yesterday, and now it’s (higher price).

Me: I’m sorry, but just putting an item into the shopping cart won’t save the price if the sale ends. You would have to submit the order before the end of the sale to get the sale price.

Caller: I know that, but I put the (product) in my shopping cart yesterday and then I forgot to place the order and today it’s a different price.

Me: Unfortunately, the sale ended yesterday and that price is no longer valid. If you would like to order it today, it would be (higher price).

Caller: Okay. Thank you.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!