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Unfiltered Story #256219

, , | Unfiltered | April 4, 2022

My husband and I are on our honeymoon in New York City (we are from England) and we have walked to the River to see some Tourist attractions. The previous day we had come across a decently priced vending machine. We have just brought tickets for a boat tour, and quickly decide to go back to the vending machine from the day before for a cold drink. When we get there, an employee is refilling the drinks and sorting out the change. We wait a couple minutes till he’s done, but when he closes the machine so we can use it, the card machine on it takes 5+ minutes to load. The employee notices, and asks us what drinks we wanted. We tell him and he opens the machine and hands them to us. I motion to my husband to give him cash for the drinks, and then realise the machines only take change (which we didn’t have enough of on us). The guy tells us just to take the drinks and enjoy our day.

Over our honeymoon, there were a few people/“employees” who tried to take advantage of us, because we were obviously tourists and ripped us off. The kindness of this employee meant we knew there was kindness in New York City too though.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!