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Unfiltered Story #254529

, | Unfiltered | March 3, 2022

(I work for a bath remodel company that sometimes sends it’s employees to a certain big box home improvement store. We pretty much stand at a display all day and ask people if they’d like to sign up for an inspection. To entice people we have baskets full of candy. Ontop of that, this literally just happened and it’s not even 10:00 a.m.)

(I’m standing at the end of the plumbing section when this lady and her husband walk past me.)

Customer: “Oh, are you just handing out candy?”

Me (jokingly): Essentially!

(We both chuckle at the remark and we don’t say a single word to one another afterwards. I later look down the plumbing section and see this lady and her husband sword fighting with pieces of PVC pipe. They break them of course, and when an actual employee of the store comes to speak to them, the refuse to pay for them and proceed to leave.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!