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Unfiltered Story #250584

, , | Unfiltered | December 29, 2021

My mom told me this story after being told by my aunt, who was told by my cousin, so I’m sorry if some details are wrong. My cousin is a nurse, and one day a husband and wife come in and see him. The husband tells my cousin that his wife is having trouble seeing, so my cousin gives her a paper and tells her to read it. Instead of saying words or “I can’t see them” she starts saying numbers. My cousin then picks up his radio (or whatever he had) and says “Stroke alert, stroke alert.” The doctors showed up and took care of the lady. The reason he was so proud of himself is because the patient had to go through a few people before him to see him, and he was the only one to even suspect a stroke.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!