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Unfiltered Story #248423

, , | Unfiltered | November 28, 2021

Through the month of November, if you made a purchase of $40 or more, you got a coupon for $20 off a purchase of $50 or more, and you could only use it at the beginning of December. This was a physical coupon that a customer would have gotten at the register or in their online order. This store does send coupons through email, but not this particular $20 off coupon. What customers DID get in their email though, was a reminder to use that coupon now that it’s December. Of course, this confuses some customers, but I usually explain it to them and everything is fine. Then this woman called the store:

Caller: “Yeah I got the email for the reward card, but it won’t load.”
Me: “I’m so sorry about that m’am, is it the whole email that won’t load, or just the images?”
Caller: “No the email and the images load, but there’s no bar code or coupon code to use online!”
Me: “Which coupon is it supposed to be?”
Caller: “The one for $20 off $50! I keep clicking on it but it just takes me to the website and won’t apply to my purchase!”
Me: “Oh, I see, m’am. That email is just a reminder to use your coupon that you would have received if you shopped with us in November.”
Caller: “I did!”
Me: “Okay, and did you receive the physical coupon with your purchase?”
Caller: “Yeah I got like five of them! But this email isn’t working.”
Me: “That’s because it’s just an email reminding you to use the physical coupons you received.”
Caller: “I already used all them! But this one’s telling me I have another!”

This goes on and on before I put her on hold to talk to my manager. My manager confirms that I’m not crazy (because honestly this lady made me feel like it) and that what I told her was correct.

Me: “okay m’am, I just confirmed it with my manager, that email is in fact just a reminder for you to use your physical coupon.”
Caller: “Well this email is telling me that I have another one I didn’t use!”
Me: “No. It’s reminding you to use it IF you have one.”
Caller: “Whatever, fine.”

And she hung up.
Not my fault if she didn’t want to believe me, but whatever, fine.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!