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Unfiltered Story #248190

, | Unfiltered | November 24, 2021

I have a franchise store where I sell printers, cartridges, toners etc. And I sell both original and alternative ones.
I just changed a original [toner] with an [alternative] one, and I’m talking with our technical depertment about the defective procedure for [manufacturer].
Every 2 minutes my business partner keeps repeating “Tell them that ours worked fine!” while I am trying to listen to the tech that is explaining the procedure to me.
Around the 6th-7th time my partner repeated that, I interrupted the tech to relay this fundamental piece of information, to which I recieved a confused answer asking me how it was relevant in any way.
After the call ended I asked my partner why he kept insisting, and his anwer was that he thought it was relevant. When I tried to explain that it wasn’t and why, he turned mumbling that he thought it was relevant.
Unfortunately I have no quick way to dispose of a body.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!