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Unfiltered Story #245374

, | Unfiltered | October 11, 2021

During middle school I did extremely well in math. At the time this happened, I wasn’t close to the popular kids, and another girl had just started to be around them. Teachers used to favor the popular kids and their friends.

We were doing a test, and I finished it quickly. Not being allowed to leave, I started to daydream, my test still on my desk. All of the sudden the teacher snatches my test from me and tell me I’ll fail it because I was allowing the newly-popular girl to copy my answers. I denied it and he said he saw it. I kept saying it wasn’t true, and he said that if I didn’t like that, I should go to the principal. Nothing was said about the girl that was copying from me.

In tears of rage I got up and went to wait for the principal. While I waited, a random mom passed by, saw me crying and came to talk to me. I told her the story sobbing, she heard me kindly, and helped me calm down. She told me no matter how mad I was, if I wanted to be taken seriously I would need to be able to explain myself without crying. She kept me company until the principal could talk to me, but didn’t take sides and let me handle it myself.

I was still mad, but talked to the principal at a better state of mind. I was allowed to take the test again, and the girl – who the teacher was only planning on taking one score down for the cheating – had to take it again too, away from everyone.

I am still mad at that teacher, and grateful for that random mom.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!