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Unfiltered Story #239991

, , | Unfiltered | July 20, 2021

The soda machine in the gas station is set up so that sometimes the lids for cups will get knocked over while pulling out cups. Usually we will just throw them out if they hit the floor so other customers don’t get sick.
A customer knocks over some lids and before I can tell him that it’s no big deal and go to pick them up, he grabs the lids and puts them back on the pile, acting like he’s a massive help to us before leaving.
Because we can’t tell just by looking which lids are dirty or clean, we have to throw away the whole stack to be on the safe side rather than the five or so we would have had to discard originally.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!