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Unfiltered Story #239427

, , | Unfiltered | July 14, 2021

My husband and I stop in a popular chain build your own sandwich shop we frequent. I usually get the same thing but I notice something new on the menu.
After introductions,
Me: hi, I would like the chipotle steak and cheese wrap, however I noticed your new sweet and spicy wrap, and I just had a question about it. Does the sauce you use have pineapple in it? I’m very allergic and get wary of any ‘sweet’ sauces, like barbeque or sweet and sour.
Employee 1: I don’t know, I’ll have to ask Employee 3.
Employee 2: barbeque sauce doesn’t have pineapple in it!
Me: actually, it does. Some brands anyway. Like (popular brand).
Employee 2: really? Oh.
Employee 3: *doesn’t even go check ingredients* nah, it doesn’t have pineapple.
The rest of the ordering process continues with all 3 employees talking over each other and asking questions at the same time.
When we get to sauces:
Employee 2: mesquite ok?
Me: that’s what it comes with, right? I just want that.
At this point I’m getting suspicious because I know I ordered a sandwich labeled as chipotle, but I decide to wait and see. I get hustled along to the checkout.
Employee: because you ordered the new menu item, this is a survey for a 5 dollar gift card.
Now I know something is wrong. I look and the first sentence of the card says ‘Thank you for ordering our new sweet n spicy wrap!’
Me: this isn’t what I ordered. I asked for the steak and cheese.
She completely ignores me and I decide to not make a big deal out of it because they will probably have to throw the sandwich away if I ask for another and I don’t want to be wasteful.
I ended up eating a salad when my husband and I got home and he took it to work the next day because I was too afraid to eat it in case of a reaction. I know some of it is my fault for asking the question in the first place, but still. At least they remembered the guacamole this time.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!