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Unfiltered Story #235507

, | Unfiltered | June 2, 2021

I work at a library, and about a year and a half ago, we made the bathrooms gender neutral, so it doesn’t matter if it’s a guy or girl, but because of that, we added locks so they are also single use. We still get complaints about both to this day, including this lady who came in the line through the exit,:

Lady: So I don’t really agree with the men and women sharing bathrooms, but that’s just my opinion. *cough* I mean, they shouldn’t share. *cough* And I was in there after a /man/ and one of the stalls had pee all over like he marked it for manhood. *cough* And I don’t know, men ad women just shouldn’t share bathrooms, maybe that’s just my opinion. *cough* Maybe you should make a sign saying to flush toilet or not use it in public? *cough*

Meanwhile, I am standing on the other side of the counter, cringing away from this lady who is leaning forwards. Every time I would be about to explain they were gender-neutral in case any patrons were trans or gender fluid or any similar situations, she would just keep talking. I wish workers didn’t need to maintain a polite attitude, otherwise I would have recommended that if she were so worried about health or cleanliness, which she tried to make it seem like she was doing, then maybe she should cover her mouth and not be in my face when coughing.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!